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Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly

Download Peta Indonesia Vector Cdr Format

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Download Peta Indonesia Vector Cdr Format


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Terra is the flagship of NASA's Earth Observing System. Launched in 1999, Terra's five instruments continue to gather data that enable scientists to address fundamental Earth science questions. By design, the strength of the Terra mission has always been rooted in its five instruments and the ability to fuse the instrument data together for obtaining greater quality of information for Earth Science compared to individual instruments alone. As the data volume grows and the central Earth Science questions move towards problems requiring decadal-scale data records, the need for data fusion and the ability for scientists to perform large-scale analytics with long records have never been greater. The challenge is particularly acute for Terra, given its growing volume of data (> 1 petabyte), the storage of different instrument data at different archive centers, the different file formats and projection systems employed for different instrument data, and the inadequate cyberinfrastructure for scientists to access and process whole-mission fusion data (including Level 1 data). Sharing newly derived Terra products with the rest of the world also poses challenges. As such, the Terra Data Fusion Project aims to resolve two long-standing problems: 1) How do we efficiently generate and deliver Terra data fusion products? 2) How do we facilitate the use of Terra data fusion products by the community in generating new products and knowledge through national computing facilities, and disseminate these new products and knowledge through national data sharing services? Here, we will provide an update on significant progress made in addressing these problems by working with NASA and leveraging national facilities managed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). The problems that we faced in deriving and delivering Terra L1B2 basic, reprojected and cloud-element fusion products, such as data transfer, data fusion, processing on different computer architectures

Forest fires and wildfires can threaten ecosystems, wildlife, property, and often, large swaths of populations. Early warning of active fire hotspots plays a crucial role in planning, managing, and mitigating the damaging effects of wildfires. The NASA Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) has been providing active fire location information to users in easy-to-use formats for the better part of last decade, with a view to improving the alerting mechanisms and response times to fight forest and wildfires. FIRMS utilizes fires flagged as hotspots by the MODIS instrument flying aboard the Aqua and Terra satellites and sends early warning of detected hotspots via email in near real-time or as daily and weekly summaries. The email alerts can also be customized to send alerts for a particular region of interest, a country, or a specific protected area or park. In addition, a web mapping component, named "Web Fire Mapper" helps query and visualize hotspots. A newer version of Web Fire Mapper is being developed to enhance the existing visualization and alerting capabilities. Plans include supporting near real-time imagery from Aqua and Terra satellites to provide a more helpful context while viewing fires. Plans are also underway to upgrade the email alerts system to provide mobile-formatted messages and short text messages (SMS). The newer version of FIRMS will also allow users to obtain geo-located image snapshots, which can be imported into local GIS software by stakeholders to help further analyses. This talk will discuss the FIRMS system, its enhancements and its role in helping map, alert, and monitor fire hotspots by providing quick data visualization, querying, and download capabilities.

Giovanni, the NASA Goddard online visualization and analysis tool ( ) allows users explore various atmospheric phenomena without learning remote sensing data formats and downloading voluminous data. Using NASA MODIS (Terra and Aqua) and ESA MERIS (ENVISAT) aerosol data as an example, we demonstrate Giovanni usage for online multi-sensor remote sensing data comparison and analysis.

Working collaboratively, NASA and NOAA are producing data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), a NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC), is distributing VIIRS snow cover, ice surface temperature, and sea ice cover products. Data is available in .nc and HDF5 formats with a temporal coverage of 1 January 2012 and onward. VIIRS, NOAA's latest radiometer, was launched aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite on October 28, 2011. The instrument comprises 22 bands; five for high-resolution imagery, 16 at moderate resolution, and one panchromatic day/night band. VIIRS is a whiskbroom scanning radiometer that covers the spectrum between 0.412 μm and 12.01 μm and acquires spatial resolutions at nadir of 750 m, 375 m, and 750 m, respectively. One distinct advantage of VIIRS is to ensure continuity that will lead to the development of snow and sea ice climate data records with data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua and Terra satellites. Combined with the Advanced Very-High-resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the AVHRR-MODIS-VIIRS timeline will start in the early 1980s and span at least four decades-and perhaps beyond-enabling researchers to produce and gain valuable insight from long, high-quality Earth System Data Records (ESDRs). Several options are available to view and download VIIRS data: Direct download from NSIDC via HTTPS. Using NASA Earthdata Search, users can explore and download VIIRS data with temporal and/or spatial filters, re-format, re-project, and subset by spatial extent and parameter. API access is also available for all these options; Using NASA Worldview, users can view Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) from VIIRS data; Users can join a VIIRS subscription list to have new VIIRS data automatically ftp'd or staged on a local server as it is archived at NSIDC.

The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor aboard the Suomi-NPP satellite is designed to provide data continuity with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors aboard NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites. VIIRS data products are generated in a similar format as MODIS using modified algorithms and aim to extend the data lifecycle of MODIS products, which are widely used in a variety of scientific disciplines. However, there are differences in the characteristics of the instruments that could influence decision making when conducting a study involving a combination of products from both sensors. Inter-sensor comparison studies between VIIRS and MODIS have highlighted some of the inconsistencies between the sensors, including calibrated radiances, pixel sizes, swath widths, and spectral response functions of the bands. These differences should be well-understood among the science community as these inconsistencies could potentially effect the results of time-series analyses or land change studies that rely on using VIIRS and MODIS data products in combination. An efficient method to identify and better understand differences between data products will allow for the science community to make informed decisions when conducting analyses using a combination of VIIRS and MODIS data products. NASA's Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) tool enables users to efficiently compare MODIS and VIIRS data products, including surface reflectance from 2012 to present. AppEEARS is a user-friendly image extraction tool used to order spatial and temporal data subsets, reproject data, and visualize output sample results before data download. AppEEARs allows users to compare MODIS and VIIRS data products by providing interactive visualizations and summary statistics of each dataset-either over a specific point or region of interest across a period of time. This tool enhances decision-making when using newly

Terra Populus, or TerraPop, is a cyberinfrastructure project that integrates, preserves, and disseminates massive data collections describing characteristics of the human population and environment over the last six decades. TerraPop has made a number of GIScience advances in the handling of big spatial data to make information interoperable between formats and across scientific communities. In this paper, we describe challenges of these data, or 'deserts in the deluge' of data, that are common to spatial big data more broadly, and explore computational solutions specific to microdata, raster, and vector data models.

Although classification maps are required for management and for the estimation of agricultural disaster compensation, those techniques have yet to be established. This paper describes the comparison of three different classification algorithms for mapping crops in Hokkaido, Japan, using TerraSAR-X (including TanDEM-X) dual-polarimetric data. In the study area, beans, beets, grasslands, maize, potatoes and winter wheat were cultivated. In this study, classification using TerraSAR-X-derived information was performed. Coherence values, polarimetric parameters and gamma nought values were also obtained and evaluated regarding their usefulness in crop classification. Accurate classification may be possible with currently existing supervised learning models. A comparison between the classification and regression tree (CART), support vector machine (SVM) and random forests (RF) algorithms was performed. Even though J-M distances were lower than 1.0 on all TerraSAR-X acquisition days, good results were achieved (e.g., separability between winter wheat and grass) due to the characteristics of the machine learning algorithm. It was found that SVM performed best, achieving an overall accuracy of 95.0% based on the polarimetric parameters and gamma nought values for HH and VV polarizations. The misclassified fields were less than 100 a in area and 79.5-96.3% were less than 200 a with the exception of grassland. When some feature such as a road or windbreak forest is present in the TerraSAR-X data, the ratio of its extent to that of the field is relatively higher for the smaller fields, which leads to misclassifications.

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  • Kevin Holly
    Kevin Holly
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    Laurel Potapov
  • Denis Gavrilov
    Denis Gavrilov
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